Asana practice - Yoga Poses and Positions

"Hatha Yoga is not the ultimate goal. Hatha Yoga makes us aware that the body with its inestimable qualities is everything that we have in life; for we enter this world naked and leave this world naked. For that reason we must get the best out of our body. The more we strive to unfold the perfection's of the body, the more quickly our mental capacities unfold: power of concentration, memory, will-power and resolution. The blessing of Hatha Yoga is threefold; health, well-being and long life."

Selvarajan Yesudian.

The physical techniques of Yoga are the stepping stones to meditation. According to Patanjali, Yoga is the cessation of the modifications of the mind.

In the beginning the primary prerequisite to peace of mind is posture. yoga poses are practiced to gain steady posture, health and lightness in the body. All yoga poses are intended to directly or indirectly quiet the mind. The majority of Asana have been devised to build up different parts of the body and to develop the strength required by the more advanced physical disciplines. The purpose of the yoga poses  is to recondition the system, both mind and body, and to develop the nervous and glandular systems.

Yoga is a method that aims to achieve the maximum results with the minimum expenditure of energy. The different yoga poses  have been devised to bring a rich supply of blood to the brain and to the various parts of the spinal column. The yoga asana work by stretching, bending and twisting the spinal column in different directions to promote the health of the nerves.

When the body is purified, Prana (vital energy) can be conserved and the individual becomes healthy and conscious.

Endurance is of the utmost importance in all of the Asana work.

All excess moisture needs to be eliminated from the body, especially from the joints. The less moisture present, the easier the postures become and the body is subjected to less pain.

Regularity in yoga asana practice is an absolute necessity if one wishes to realise the full potential of the Yoga process. If the foundations of a building are not correctly laid, the superstructure will fall down. So too, if a student of Yoga has not gained a certain degree of mastery over the yoga poses  he/she can not successfully proceed to the advanced disciplines.

Yoga is a direct experience of the vast interrelatedness of all life and of all things. You will feel at peace at the end of a yoga asana class because there is a natural realignment of your body which leads to a natural realignment of your perception of life and of who you are.

There is no competition in Yoga, everyone is different.

Further Asana Articles

·Meaning of Asanas
·Standing postures
     ·Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II)
     ·Prasarita Padotanasna
     ·Standing Poses The structural and functional physiology involved
     ·Standing Poses - The Yogic or subtle physiology
     ·How Standing poses may be sequenced in practice/class
     ·Standing Poses - Main indications for adjustment
·Forward bends
     ·Forward bends - fundamental principles
     ·Forward bends - The structural and functional physiology involved
     ·Forward bends - The Yogic or subtle physiology
     ·Forward bends - 2. How it relates to other asanas
     ·Forward bends - How it may be sequenced in practice/class
     ·Forward bends - Variations according to needs and major pre-cautions and/or contra indications
     ·Forward bends - Main indications for adjustments.
     ·Adho Mukha Svanasana
·Back bends
     ·Setubandhasana (bridge pose)
          ·Bhujangasana Fundamental Principles
          ·Structural and Functional Physiology
          ·Yogic or Subtle Physiology
          ·Relationship to other backbends
          ·Bhujangasana Sequencing
          ·Variations, Precautions and Contraindications
          ·The main indications for adjustment are
     ·Urdhva Danurasana
     ·Back bends - fundamental principles
     ·Back bends - The structural and functional physiology involved
     ·Back bends - The Yogic or subtle physiology
     ·Back bends - How it relates to other asana in the group
     ·Back bends - How it may be sequenced in practice/class
     ·Back bends - Variations according to needs and major pre-cautions and/or contra indications
     ·Back bends - Main indications for adjustments
     ·Marichyasana III
     ·Ardha Matsyendrasana
     ·Twisting asanas - Fundamental principles
     ·Twisting asanas - The structural and functional physiology involved
     ·Twisting asanas - The Yogic or subtle physiology
     ·Twisting asanas - How it relates to other asana in the group
     ·Twisting asanas - How it may be sequenced in practice/class
     ·Twisting asanas - Variations according to needs and major pre-cautions and/or contra indications
     ·Twisting asanas - Main indications for adjustments
·Seated or kneeling postures
     ·Marjari-Asana (Cat pose)
     ·Paripurna Navasana (Full Boat Pose)
     ·Baddha Konasana
          ·Bhujangasana Fundamental Principles
          ·Structural and Functional Physiology
          ·Yogic or Subtle Physiology
          ·Relationship to other backbends
          ·Bhujangasana Sequencing
          ·Variations, Precautions and Contraindications
          ·The main indications for adjustment are
     ·Seated and kneeling asanas - Fundamental Principles
     ·Seated and kneeling asanas - The structural and functional physiology involved
     ·Seated and kneeling asanas - How it may be sequenced in practice/class
     ·Seated and kneeling asanas - Variations according to needs and major pre-cautions and/or contra indications
     ·Seated and kneeling asanas - Main indications for adjustment.
·Lying postures
          ·Matsyasana Fundamental Principles
          ·Structural and Functional Physiology
          ·Yogic or Subtle Physiology
          ·Relationship to other lying asanas
          ·Matsyasana Sequencing
          ·Variations, Precautions and Contraindications
          ·The main indications for adjustment are
     ·Supta Padangusthasana
          ·Fundamental Principles
          ·Structural and Functional Physiology
          ·Yogic or Subtle Physiology
          ·Relationship to other lying asanas
          ·Variations, Precautions and Contraindications
          ·The main indications for adjustment are
     ·Lying asana - fundamental principles
     ·Lying Asanas - The structural and functional physiology involved
     ·Lying Asanas - The Yogic or subtle physiology
     ·Lying asanas - How it relates to other asana in the group
     ·Lying asanas - How it may be sequenced in practice/class
     ·Lyings asanas - Variations according to needs and major pre-cautions and/or contra indications
     ·Lying asanas - Main indications for adjustments.
     ·Salamba Sirsasana (Supported Headstand)
          ·Fundamental Principles
          ·Structural and Functional Physiology
          ·Yogic or Subtle Physiology
          ·Relationship to other poses
          ·Variations, Precautions and Contraindications
          ·The main indications for adjustment are
     ·Inverted Poses - fundmental principles
     ·Inverted poses - The structural and functional physiology involved
     ·Inverted poses - The Yogic or subtle physiology
     ·Inverted poses - How it relates to other asana in the group
     ·Inverted Poses - How it may be sequenced in practice/class
     ·Inverted Poses - Variations according to needs and major pre-cautions and/or contra indications
     ·Inverted poses - Main indications for adjustments.
·Strength and balance postures
     ·Virabhadrasana 3
     ·Strength and Balance poses - fundamental principles
     ·Strength and balance poses - The structural and functional physiology involved
     ·Strength and balance poses - The Yogic or subtle physiology
     ·Strength and balance poses - How it relates to other asana in the group
     ·Strength and balance poses - How it may be sequenced in practice/class
     ·Strength and balance poses - Variations according to needs and major pre-cautions and/or contra indications
     ·Strength and balance poses - Main indications for adjustments.
·Complete List of Asanas
·Suggestions for Yoga Asana Practice
     ·The First Two Weeks
     ·When To Do The Asanas
     ·Where To Do The Asanas
     ·What To Wear
     ·Don't Do Asanas When
·Yoga Practice During Menstruation
·Asana Sequencing
·Asana References & recommended Reading
·Anatomy & Physiology
     ·Yoga Hip Adductors
          ·Warm-up activities that lengthen the hip adductor muscles
          ·Activities that strengthen or build up the hip adductor muscles
          ·Which Asanas are restricted or modified by the tension or shortness of these muscles
          ·The joints these hip adductor muscles cross over the hip (coxal) joint and knee (tibiofemoral) joint
     ·Physiological benefits
               ·Headstand Physiological benefits
               ·Inversions for women with menstruation & pregnancy
          ·Virabhadrasana (Warrior)
               ·Virabhadrasana Benefits
     ·Setu Bandhasana Anatomy and Physiology
·Asana benefits
·Sanskrit Asana Names
·A Philosophy of Practice
·Dynamic and Static Asanas
·Hypertension - Yoga Therapy
     ·What is hypertension
     ·Physical Effects of hypertension
     ·Mental and Emotional Effects of hypertension
     ·Subtle Systems hypertension
     ·Common Treatments for hypertension
     ·Priorities for the Yoga Therapy Program for hypertension
     ·Assessment of the Student/Client with hypertension
     ·First Yoga Session for hypertension student
     ·Yoga Therapy Goals for hypertension
     ·Networking with other practitioners regarding hypertension
     ·Hypertension - Yoga Therapy References
·Prenatal Yoga for 2nd trimester pregnancy
     ·Basic research into the nature of the condition
     ·Describe the various physical, mental/emotional and subtle systems affected in pregnancy
     ·Describe some of the more common treatments currently employed to assist with the pregnancy for prenatal yoga in 2nd trimester
     ·Describe how you may need to network with other health care practitioners for prenatal yoga in 2nd trimester
     ·Outline priorities for the Yoga based program you will develop for prenatal yoga in 2nd trimester
     ·Outline how you will assess the student/client for prenatal yoga in 2nd trimester
     ·Detail the typical first program you will provide, along with your rationale (and assumptions that guide your decisions) for prenatal yoga in 2nd trimester
     ·A basic outline of how you envisage the program developing as the student/client proceeds in prenatal yoga in 2nd trimester
     ·Summary on prenatal yoga for 2nd trimester
     ·Bibliography on prenatal yoga in 2nd trimester
·Asana practice sequences for home
     ·Hot January!: Cooling Asana Poses & sequence
     ·February - Backward bending/inversions, ahimsa, Anamaya kosha
     ·March - Annamaya Kosha Cooling, Balancing & Grounding, Tapas
     ·April - Inverted & Balance Posesm, Anamaya kosha, Svadyaya
     ·May - Upper body awareness/strength, Annamayakosha, Allowing rather than striving
     ·June - Cobra, Ishvara Pranidhana
     ·July - Anamaya kosha Feet, Standing, Peace
     ·August - Heating poses, backbending, Plank, discriminating between belly and back muscles. Satya, non-lying Pranamaya kosha
     ·September - Backward bending, ahimsa, Anamaya kosha
     ·October - Hips Atseya, nonstealing Anamaya kosha
     ·November: Annamaya kosha, vinyasa/warming & grounding, Bramacharya
     ·December - Saucha, Forward bends/ twists
     ·Chakra based yoga asana sequence
·Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) - western and yogic physiological
·Yoga Styles
     ·Ashtanga Yoga
     ·Iyengar Yoga
     ·Bikram Yoga
     ·Sakshin Ghatastha Yoga
     ·Hatha Yoga
     ·Power Yoga
     ·Shadow Yoga
·Yoga Photos and pictures from around the world

About Article Contributor - Rod Hutchings

Rod has undertaken teacher training at the Australian Institute of Yoga Therapy (CAE) and is a member of the Yoga Teachers Association of Australia (YTAA).

Rod Hutchings offers both corporate  and private yoga lessons throughout Melbourne, Victoria.  Rod’s day job is internet development/consulting and web hosting work.  Rod is keen to help other Yoga teachers with limited budgets share their story/ promote their teaching online.

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